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Welcome to our store
The experience
The light crosses the room. You settle there to connect with yourself, the time of a meditation, a moment for you. You let that light fill you.
It smells...
The oil smells of clementine, grapefruit, lime and lemon.
Roll directly on your wrists.
* Do not put on the lips, eyes, genitals.
* Do not apply before exposure to sun or UV rays. Oil photosensitizing.
You asked us:
There are some essential oils that are potentially irritating if misused. This is particularly the case of essential oils with lemon, grapefruit and orange called photosensitizing. It is strictly not recommended to apply these oils before exposing yourself to the sun. They are reactive to light and more particularly to UV rays. They can be the cause of spots and / or skin burns that are difficult to get rid of.
The oil nourishes your skin. A good oil helps your skin to retain the water in it and thus retains its hydration. The oil also provides vitamins and nutrients that are necessary for the good health of your skin. As a part of your daily life, the oil helps your skin to glow and look healthy.
Your product will be good for two years. Do not expose your bottle to strong light or humidity.
Not at all, just wait for the product to thaw. All our products are resistant to extreme freezing point as well as extreme heat.
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